This study, “WOMEN PERCEPTION OF FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAMME” contains concise information that will serve as a framework or guide for your project work. The project study is well-researched for academic purposes and are usually provided in complete chapters with adequate References. Keywords: WOMEN PERCEPTION OF FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAMME
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the women perception of family planning program in Odeda Local Government Ogun State. Thus, a descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for this study comprised of women in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State, while a total of 100 women were random selected across Odeda Local Government to serve as the sample of the study. A self constructed questionnaire was used as the instrument used to gather relevant data for the study. The study revealed that women in Odeda Local Government have low perception of family planning. The government should therefore help in educating and enlighten women in Odeda Local government of the role family planning play in family affairs and in societies in general. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF FAMILY PLANNING 2.2 MEANING OF FAMILY PLANNING 2.5 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING TECHNIQUE 2.7 IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY PLANNING 2.8 REASONS WHY NIGERIAN WOMEN ARE NOT ACCESSING FAMILY PLANNING SERVICE 3.0 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 3.2 VALIDITY OF THE RESEARCH INSTRUMENT 3.4 SAMPLE AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUES 3.5 INSTRUMENT FOR DATA COLLECTION 5.0 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.2 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION In the early century, infanticide and abortion are used as method of family planning. But infanticide, the killing of new born babies was the most universal solution to periodic over population in pre-industrial societies. It was used to control population and at times the sex ratio where the sexual division of labour dictated some groups practice infanticide, be in the absence of medical technique. It was less risky and painful than abortion. It is significant to note that infanticide was not just a primitive practice: Aristotle and plato recommended it for eugenic reasons. And if not acceptable today, it may be because we have better birth control methods, and not because we are morally superior. Gordon 1986 However, infanticide and abortion became a criminal practise during the 18th century and 19th centuries and there practice is documented in transcript of trials and in Newspaper. This evidence suggest that both were wide spread. Anybody seen practising this method of birth control were usually hung. A standard method of inducing abortion (ancient and modern) is the abortifacient or potion. Abortifacient are part of folk culture or herbal medicine handed down among women for thousands of year. In German folk medicine marjoram, thyme parsley and lavender in tea form were used. The root of worn fern was used by Germany and French women and was also prescribed by a Greek physician in the time of Nero. In modern time, women have been reported to use turpentine, castor oil, tansy tea, quinea water in which a rusty nail has been soaked horse raddish, ginger, Epsom salt etc. (Gordon 1986. Aside from internal abortifacients, women have attempted external method such as severe exercise, heavy lifting, hot baths, jumping and shaking. The majority of women before the 19th century and many in the 19th century does not see abortion as a sin. Until the early part of the century; there was no law against abortion done in the first few month of pregnancy. Prior to the 19th century, protestants and Catholics held abortion permissible until quickening when the fetus was believed to gain life. (Gordon 1986). By the first have of the 19th century many states had already made abortion a crime at any stage of fetal development. The evidence of ancient contraceptive knowledge, method of birth control which (unlike infanticide and abortion) are used before conception is impressive. A list of contraceptive method include: withdrawal by men, diaphragms, caps or other devices etc, and varieties of rhythm methods. None of this method are new except for the addition of modern pill introduced in 1960. 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Family can be taken to mean a unit consisting of husband and wife and their children (Moses and Adewale, 2002). In context, a family (from Latin familare) is a given people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity or co-residence. In most societies it is the principal institution for the socialization of children. According to Advance Learner Dictionary family is a group consisting of one or two parent and their children. From the point of view of parent the family is for procreation, the goal of which is to produce, encultrate and socialize children. It is basically a small member of large society so any tension in family create tension in the society at large. The knowledge of contraceptives is widely spread in every part of the country (Nigeria). Men and women know at least one modern method, women, are most likely to know about the pill and condom while men are most likely to be familiar with condoms, spermicide and so on. Both are not ignorant of traditionals way of family planning but the potency of modern devices are scientifically proven. Family planning could be defined as a device to safeguard the interest of the wife by preventing detrimental effect of giving birth to children in quick succession (Delano2008). It is also used as a synonym for the use of birth control though it often includes more. Most usually applies to female/male couple who wish to limit the number of children they have and or to control the timing of pregnancy. It encompasses sterilization as well as pregnancy termination. Zick and Xiang (1994) explained that the relationship between income and demand for children is not necessarily linear and an increase in income may not necessarily lead to an increase in demand for children because individual may choose to invest in the quality of surviving children. 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF FAMILY PLANNING The aims and objective of family planning program are: (1) To provide the informations and means that couples need so that the number of children they bear is consistence with number of children they desired. (2) To advocate and disseminate relevant information and education relating to family life education, family planning. (3) To promote and provide education information and services related to men and women reproductive health. (4) To increase the number of family planning modern method users by encouraging users to shift to modern method. (5) To contribute to the reduction of maternal and infant mortality. (6) To address the issue of reproductive health in men and women and young adolescent (7) To disseminate responsible parenting concept including basic responsibilities of parents. (8) To improve access to family planning services by closing the gap between the desired number of children and actual family size. (9) To reduce the unmet need of family planning of currently married women who are not using any method of family planning but do not want any more children or prefer to space birth. 1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In Nigeria many people (adult) claimed that they are well informed about family planning devices. However literature confirms that the growth rate in Nigeria is 3.3% (NDHS, 2003). The challenges emanating from this above submission is that if people (adult) are well informed and practice family planning methods, why should the growth rate be as high as 3.3%. Therefore the study sets out to assess women perception of family planning program in Odeda Local Government. 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY 1. To advocate for active involvement in the use of family planning devices. 2. To encourage young families to make wise decision on the use of family planning devices. 3. To control the growth rate. 4. To make family planning understood by those who are expected to practise it 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTION (1) Does family planning program promotes promiscuity? (2) Does increase in family size is due to inadequate knowledge of family planning? (3) Does family planning reduces the fertility of a woman? (4) Does family planning creates awareness on the causes and consequences of over population? (5) Does family planning educate individual to be sexually discipline? (6) Does family planning encourages men to marry more wives? (7) Does family planning promote sexuality indiscipline among youth? (8) Does family planning encourages couple to bear the number of children they could properly take care of? (9) Does idea of one man, one wife and many children is encourage through family planning? (10) Does family planning promote the understanding of couples on the ideal family size? 1.6 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY The research will be limited to these selected areas like Obantoko, Osiele, Olodo, Alabata Odeda. And this is due to the factors relating to finance cooperation, and time etc.